Tras unos meses complicados para formar el equipo ya que hemos tenido diferentes bajas y un baile de listas y opciones que no cerramos hasta el último hora como todo en esta vida! Ya tenemos las listas definitivas que llevará España este año y las de los demás países
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Recinto del ETC-2014 en Novi Sad (Serbia) |
Cuando miras las listas de diferentes países maldices muchas cosas por no haber cambiado un equipo, una unidad o un ejército directamente!! Y por otro lado ves también que algunas opciones arriesgadas han valido la pena y que hay listas parecidas con países potentes
Ahora toca un mes que se hará largo para rellenar matrices y pensar estrategias de equipo, veremos que resultado nos da!
Cuelgo las listas en el formato habitual en este torneo:
TEAM : Spain
PLAYER 1: Jordi Salvado Mateo (Athoran)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Eldar Craftworlds - Faction: Eldar
LW1: Avatar of Khaine - [195 pts]
HQ1: Autarch (70), Scorpion Chainsword (3), Eldar Jetbike (15), Firesabre (30) - [118 pts] (Warlord)
Troop 1: 6 Windrider (6x17 = 102), 6 Scatter laser (6x10 = 60) - [162 pts]
Troop 2: 6 Windrider (6x17 = 102), 6 Scatter laser (6x10 = 60) - [162 pts]
Troop 3: 6 Windrider (6x17 = 102), 6 Scatter laser (6x10 = 60) - [162 pts]
Troop 4: 6 Windrider (6x17 = 102), 6 Scatter laser (6x10 = 60) - [162 pts]
FA1. Crimson Hunter - [140 pts]
FA2. Crimson Hunter - [140 pts]
FA3. Crimson Hunter, Exarch (20) - [160 pts]
HS1: Vaul's Wrath Support Battery, 2 Support Weapon (30x2 = 60), 2 Shadow Weaver (0x2 = 0), 4 Guardian Crew (0x4 = 0) - [60 pts]
HS2: 8 Dark Reaper (8x25 = 200), 8 Starshot Missiles (8x8 = 64), Exarch (15) - [279 pts]
HS3: Vaul's Wrath Support Battery, 2 Support Weapon (30x2 = 60), 2 D-cannon (25x2 = 50), 4 Guardian Crew (0x4 = 0) - [110 pts]
TEAM : Spain
PLAYER 2: Pablo Moya Escriche (Sekiz)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Space Marines (White Scars) - Faction: Space Marines
HQ1: Chapter Master (130), Power fist (25), Storm Shield (15), Artificer armor (20), Bike (20), Auspex (5) - [215 pts]
HQ2: Kor'Sarro Khan (125), Moondrakken (25) - [150 pts] (Warlord)
HQ3: Command Squad (100), Space marine bikes (35), Apothecary (15), 4 Grav gun (4x15 = 60) - [210 pts]
Troop 1: 5 Space Marine biker (5x21 = 105), 2 Grav-gun (2x15 = 30), Combi-grav (10) - [145 pts]
Troop 2: 5 Space Marine biker (5x21 = 105), 2 Grav-gun (2x15 = 30), Combi-grav (10) - [145 pts]
Troop 3: 5 Space Marine biker (5x21 = 105), 2 Grav-gun (2x15 = 30), Combi-grav (10) - [145 pts]
Troop 4: 5 Space Marine biker (5x21 = 105), 2 Flamer (2x5 = 10) - [115 pts]
FA1. 2 Attack bike (2x45 = 90), 2 Multi-melta (2x10 = 20) - [110 pts]
HS1: Stormraven Gunship (200), Twin-linked lasecannon (0), Twin-linked Multi-melta (0), Extra Armour (5) - [205 pts]
HS2: Thunderfire cannon - [100 pts]
HS3: Thunderfire cannon - [100 pts]
Fortification: Aegis Defense Line (50), Comms Relay (20) - [70 pts]
EL1: Culexus Assassin - [140 pts]
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
TEAM: Spain
PLAYER 3: Carlos González Vivó (Látex)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: The Company of the Great Wolf Detachment - Codex: Champion of Fenris - Faction: Space Wolves
HQ1: Rune Priest (60), Mastery level 2 (25)-[85] (Warlord)
HQ2: Rune Priest (60), Mastery level 2 (25)-[85]
Elite 1: Iron priest (55), thunderwolf mount (50), 2 cyberwolves (30)-[135]
Elite 2: Iron priest (55), thunderwolf mount (50), 1 cyberwolves (15)-[120]
Elite 3: Iron priest (55), thunderwolf mount (50), 1 cyberwolves (15)-[120]
Elite 4: Iron priest (55), thunderwolf mount (50), 1 cyberwolves (15)-[120]
Elite 5: Iron priest (55), thunderwolf mount (50), 1 cyberwolves (15)-[120]
FA1: Drop Pod (35)-[35]
FA2: Drop Pod (35)-[35]
FA3: Drop Pod (35)-[35]
HS1: Whirlwild (65)-[65]
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Allied Detachment - Codex: Sentinels of Terra - Faction: Space Marines
HQ1: Librarian (65), Mastery level 2 (25), bike (20), Auspex (5), The bones of Osrak (25)-[140]
Troop 1: 5 Tactical squads (70), 1 meltagun (10), 1 combi-melta (10) in Transport 1-[90]
FA1: 5 Scout bike squad (90), locator beacon (10)-[100]
Elite1: 3 Centurion Devastador squad (190), 3 grav-cannon (60), omniscope (10)-[260]
HS1: 3 Centurion Devastador squad (190), 3 grav-cannon (60), omniscope (10)-[260]
Transport 1: Drop Pod (35), locator beacon (10)-[45]
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
TEAM: Spain
PLAYER 4: Julián Piriz Calvo (Saulion)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Baronial Court Formation - Codex: Imperial Knights - Faction: Imperial Knights
LW1: 1 Knight Warden (375), Stormspear rocket pod (40)-[415] (Warlord)
LW2: 1 Knight Errant (370), Stormspear rocket pod (40)-[410]
LW3; 1 Knight Crusader (425),Stormspear rocket pod (40), Rapid-fire batlle cannon (5)-[470]
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Realspace Raiders Detachment - Codex: Dark Eldar - Faction: Dark Eldar
HQ1: 1 Lhamaean (10)-[10]
Troop 1: 5 Kabalite Warriors (40) in Transport 1-[40]
Troop 2: 5 Kabalite Warriors (40) in Transport 2-[40]
FA1: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10)-[65]
FA2: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10)-[65]
FA3: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10)-[65]
FA4: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10)-[65]
FA5: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10)-[65]
Transport 1: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10), Chain-snare (5)-[70]
Transport 2: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10), Chain-snare (5)-[70]
Type Of Alliance: Desperate Allies
TEAM : Spain
PLAYER 5: Roger Boira Esteban (Odro)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Tau Empire - Faction: Tau
ARMY ALLIED DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Tau Firebase Support Cadre Formation - Faction: Tau
HQ1: Ethereal (50), warlord [50 pts]
HQ2: Commander (85), XV8-02 Crisis "iridium" Battlesuit (25), Puretide engram neurochip (15), drone controller (8 ), Vectored retro-thrusters (5), Neuroweb system jammer (2), Command and control node (15), Multiespectrum sensor suite (20) - [175pts]
Elite1: 3 crisis shas’ui (66), 6x missile pod (90), 3 target lock (15), 6x marker drones (72) - [243 pts]
Troop 1: 10 Kroot (60), Kroothound (5) [65 pts]
Troop 2: 17 Kroot (102), 3 Kroothound (15) [117 pts]
FA1: 4 Piranhas (160) [160pts]
HS1: Sniper drone team (58), 2 aditional firesight marksmen (26), 6 aditional sniper drones (90) - [174pts]
HS2: Skyray (115), twin-linked smart missile system [115 pts]
Fortification: 1 Imperial bastion [75 pts]
Unit1 : Riptide (180). with Ion Accelerator (5). Twin-linked fusion blaster (0). Early warning override (5) [190pts]
Unit2: 3 Broadsides (195), 3 high yield missile pods (0), 3 early warning override (15), 6 missile drones (72) [282 pts]
Unit3: 3 Broadsides (195), 3 high yield missile pods (0), 3 advance targeting system (9) [204 pts]
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
TEAM : Spain
PLAYER 6: Carlos del Rio (Pachi) - Captain
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Chaos Daemons - Faction: Chaos Daemons
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Hive Fleet Detachment - Faction: Tyranids
ARMY NAME: "Predators!"
HQ 1 - Warlord: Kairos Fateweaver [300 pts]
HQ 2-1: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Exalted Reward (30) - [150 pts]
HQ 2-2: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Exalted Reward (30) - [150 pts]
HQ 2-3: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 2 (25), Disc of Tzeentch (25) [95 pts]
Troop 1: 10x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (90) [90 pts]
Troop 2: 3 x Nurglings (45) [45 pts]
FA 1: 7x Screamer of Tzeentch [175 pts]
FORTIFICATION: Skyshield Landing Pad (75) [75 pts]
SECUNDARY DETACHMENT: Hive Fleet Detachment (Tyranids)
HQ 1: Hive tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (30), Electroshock grubs (10) [240 pts]
HQ 2: Hive tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (30), Electroshock grubs (10) [240 pts]
HQ 3: Hive tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (30), Electroshock grubs (10) [240 pts]
Troop 1: 1x Mucolid Spore Cluster (15) [15 pts]
Troop 1: 1x Mucolid Spore Cluster (15) [15 pts]
Troop 1: 1x Mucolid Spore Cluster (15) [15 pts]
PRIMARY TOTAL [1080 pts]
ARMY TOTAL [1845 pts]
Type Of Alliance: Come the Apocalypse
TEAM : Spain
PLAYER 7: Jordi Macià (Dekkers)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Inquisitorial Detachment - Codex: Inquisition - Faction: Inquisition
HQ1: Ordo Malleus Inquisitor (25), Servo Skull (3*3=9) [34]
PRIMARY TOTAL : = [34pts]
SECUNDARY DETACHMENT: Necron Decurion Detachment - Codex: Necrons - Faction: Necrons
CORE DETACHMENT: Reclamation Legion
HQ 1 ‐ Warlord: Catacomb Command Barge (135), War Scythe (20), Nightmare Shroud (35) Gauss Cannon (0) ‐ [190 pts]
Troop 1: 10xNecron Warriors [130]
Troop 2: 10xNecron Warriors [130]
Troop 3: 5xInmortal, gauss[85]
FA 1: 6 xTomb Blades (18x6=108), Shield vanes (2x6=12), , Nebuluscope (2x6=12), Particle Beamer (2x1=2) ‐ [134 pts]
FA 2: 6 xTomb Blades (18x6=108), Shield vanes (2x6=12), , Nebuluscope (2x6=12), Particle Beamer (2x1=2) ‐ [134 pts]
Canoptek Harvest
FA 3: 6xWraiths (6x40=240), [240 pts]
FA 4: 3xCanoptek Scarabs (3x20=60) - [60 pts]
HA 1: Canoptek Spyder (50), ‐ [50 pts]
Canoptek Harvest
FA 3: 6xWraiths (6x40=240), [240 pts]
FA 4: 3xCanoptek Scarabs (3x20=60) - [60 pts]
HA 1: Canoptek Spyder (50), ‐ [50 pts]
Canoptek Harvest
FA 3: 5xWraiths (5x40=200), [200 pts]
FA 4: 3xCanoptek Scarabs (3x20=60) - [60 pts]
HA 1: Canoptek Spyder (50), ‐ [50 pts]
SECONDARY TOTAL : = [1813pts]
ARMY TOTAL : = [1847pts]
Type Of Alliance: Come the Apocalypse
TEAM : Spain
PLAYER 8: David Nebot Benito (Dav_Venneto)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Necrons - Faction: Necrons
HQ1: Lord (50), Warscythe (20) - [70 pts] (Warlord)
Troop 1: 10 Necron Warriors (10x13 = 130) in Transport 1 - [130]
Troop 2: 10 Necron Warriors (10x13 = 130) in Transport 2 - [130]
FA1: Ghost Ark (105) - [105 pts]
FA2: Ghost Ark (105) - [105 pts]
FA3: Ghost Ark (105) - [105 pts]
HS1: Doomsday Ark (170) - [170 pts]
HS2: Doomsday Ark (170) - [170 pts]
Transport 1: Ghost Ark (105) - [105 pts]
Transport 2: Ghost Ark (105) - [105 pts]
FORTIFICATION: Imperial bastion(75) - [75 pts]
ARMY SECUNDARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Seer Council Formation, Faction: Eldars
HQ1: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) - [115 pts]
HQ2: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) - [115 pts]
HQ3: Warlock Conclave - [350 pts]
Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]
Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]
Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]
Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]
Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]
Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]
Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]
Type Of Alliance: Come the Apocalypse
TEAM : Spain
PLAYER 1: Jordi Salvado Mateo (Athoran)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Eldar Craftworlds - Faction: Eldar
LW1: Avatar of Khaine - [195 pts]
HQ1: Autarch (70), Scorpion Chainsword (3), Eldar Jetbike (15), Firesabre (30) - [118 pts] (Warlord)
Troop 1: 6 Windrider (6x17 = 102), 6 Scatter laser (6x10 = 60) - [162 pts]
Troop 2: 6 Windrider (6x17 = 102), 6 Scatter laser (6x10 = 60) - [162 pts]
Troop 3: 6 Windrider (6x17 = 102), 6 Scatter laser (6x10 = 60) - [162 pts]
Troop 4: 6 Windrider (6x17 = 102), 6 Scatter laser (6x10 = 60) - [162 pts]
FA1. Crimson Hunter - [140 pts]
FA2. Crimson Hunter - [140 pts]
FA3. Crimson Hunter, Exarch (20) - [160 pts]
HS1: Vaul's Wrath Support Battery, 2 Support Weapon (30x2 = 60), 2 Shadow Weaver (0x2 = 0), 4 Guardian Crew (0x4 = 0) - [60 pts]
HS2: 8 Dark Reaper (8x25 = 200), 8 Starshot Missiles (8x8 = 64), Exarch (15) - [279 pts]
HS3: Vaul's Wrath Support Battery, 2 Support Weapon (30x2 = 60), 2 D-cannon (25x2 = 50), 4 Guardian Crew (0x4 = 0) - [110 pts]
TEAM : Spain
PLAYER 2: Pablo Moya Escriche (Sekiz)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Space Marines (White Scars) - Faction: Space Marines
HQ1: Chapter Master (130), Power fist (25), Storm Shield (15), Artificer armor (20), Bike (20), Auspex (5) - [215 pts]
HQ2: Kor'Sarro Khan (125), Moondrakken (25) - [150 pts] (Warlord)
HQ3: Command Squad (100), Space marine bikes (35), Apothecary (15), 4 Grav gun (4x15 = 60) - [210 pts]
Troop 1: 5 Space Marine biker (5x21 = 105), 2 Grav-gun (2x15 = 30), Combi-grav (10) - [145 pts]
Troop 2: 5 Space Marine biker (5x21 = 105), 2 Grav-gun (2x15 = 30), Combi-grav (10) - [145 pts]
Troop 3: 5 Space Marine biker (5x21 = 105), 2 Grav-gun (2x15 = 30), Combi-grav (10) - [145 pts]
Troop 4: 5 Space Marine biker (5x21 = 105), 2 Flamer (2x5 = 10) - [115 pts]
FA1. 2 Attack bike (2x45 = 90), 2 Multi-melta (2x10 = 20) - [110 pts]
HS1: Stormraven Gunship (200), Twin-linked lasecannon (0), Twin-linked Multi-melta (0), Extra Armour (5) - [205 pts]
HS2: Thunderfire cannon - [100 pts]
HS3: Thunderfire cannon - [100 pts]
Fortification: Aegis Defense Line (50), Comms Relay (20) - [70 pts]
EL1: Culexus Assassin - [140 pts]
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
TEAM: Spain
PLAYER 3: Carlos González Vivó (Látex)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: The Company of the Great Wolf Detachment - Codex: Champion of Fenris - Faction: Space Wolves
HQ1: Rune Priest (60), Mastery level 2 (25)-[85] (Warlord)
HQ2: Rune Priest (60), Mastery level 2 (25)-[85]
Elite 1: Iron priest (55), thunderwolf mount (50), 2 cyberwolves (30)-[135]
Elite 2: Iron priest (55), thunderwolf mount (50), 1 cyberwolves (15)-[120]
Elite 3: Iron priest (55), thunderwolf mount (50), 1 cyberwolves (15)-[120]
Elite 4: Iron priest (55), thunderwolf mount (50), 1 cyberwolves (15)-[120]
Elite 5: Iron priest (55), thunderwolf mount (50), 1 cyberwolves (15)-[120]
FA1: Drop Pod (35)-[35]
FA2: Drop Pod (35)-[35]
FA3: Drop Pod (35)-[35]
HS1: Whirlwild (65)-[65]
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Allied Detachment - Codex: Sentinels of Terra - Faction: Space Marines
HQ1: Librarian (65), Mastery level 2 (25), bike (20), Auspex (5), The bones of Osrak (25)-[140]
Troop 1: 5 Tactical squads (70), 1 meltagun (10), 1 combi-melta (10) in Transport 1-[90]
FA1: 5 Scout bike squad (90), locator beacon (10)-[100]
Elite1: 3 Centurion Devastador squad (190), 3 grav-cannon (60), omniscope (10)-[260]
HS1: 3 Centurion Devastador squad (190), 3 grav-cannon (60), omniscope (10)-[260]
Transport 1: Drop Pod (35), locator beacon (10)-[45]
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
TEAM: Spain
PLAYER 4: Julián Piriz Calvo (Saulion)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Baronial Court Formation - Codex: Imperial Knights - Faction: Imperial Knights
LW1: 1 Knight Warden (375), Stormspear rocket pod (40)-[415] (Warlord)
LW2: 1 Knight Errant (370), Stormspear rocket pod (40)-[410]
LW3; 1 Knight Crusader (425),Stormspear rocket pod (40), Rapid-fire batlle cannon (5)-[470]
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Realspace Raiders Detachment - Codex: Dark Eldar - Faction: Dark Eldar
HQ1: 1 Lhamaean (10)-[10]
Troop 1: 5 Kabalite Warriors (40) in Transport 1-[40]
Troop 2: 5 Kabalite Warriors (40) in Transport 2-[40]
FA1: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10)-[65]
FA2: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10)-[65]
FA3: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10)-[65]
FA4: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10)-[65]
FA5: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10)-[65]
Transport 1: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10), Chain-snare (5)-[70]
Transport 2: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10), Chain-snare (5)-[70]
Type Of Alliance: Desperate Allies
TEAM : Spain
PLAYER 5: Roger Boira Esteban (Odro)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Tau Empire - Faction: Tau
ARMY ALLIED DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Tau Firebase Support Cadre Formation - Faction: Tau
HQ1: Ethereal (50), warlord [50 pts]
HQ2: Commander (85), XV8-02 Crisis "iridium" Battlesuit (25), Puretide engram neurochip (15), drone controller (8 ), Vectored retro-thrusters (5), Neuroweb system jammer (2), Command and control node (15), Multiespectrum sensor suite (20) - [175pts]
Elite1: 3 crisis shas’ui (66), 6x missile pod (90), 3 target lock (15), 6x marker drones (72) - [243 pts]
Troop 1: 10 Kroot (60), Kroothound (5) [65 pts]
Troop 2: 17 Kroot (102), 3 Kroothound (15) [117 pts]
FA1: 4 Piranhas (160) [160pts]
HS1: Sniper drone team (58), 2 aditional firesight marksmen (26), 6 aditional sniper drones (90) - [174pts]
HS2: Skyray (115), twin-linked smart missile system [115 pts]
Fortification: 1 Imperial bastion [75 pts]
Unit1 : Riptide (180). with Ion Accelerator (5). Twin-linked fusion blaster (0). Early warning override (5) [190pts]
Unit2: 3 Broadsides (195), 3 high yield missile pods (0), 3 early warning override (15), 6 missile drones (72) [282 pts]
Unit3: 3 Broadsides (195), 3 high yield missile pods (0), 3 advance targeting system (9) [204 pts]
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
TEAM : Spain
PLAYER 6: Carlos del Rio (Pachi) - Captain
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Chaos Daemons - Faction: Chaos Daemons
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Hive Fleet Detachment - Faction: Tyranids
ARMY NAME: "Predators!"
HQ 1 - Warlord: Kairos Fateweaver [300 pts]
HQ 2-1: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Exalted Reward (30) - [150 pts]
HQ 2-2: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Exalted Reward (30) - [150 pts]
HQ 2-3: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 2 (25), Disc of Tzeentch (25) [95 pts]
Troop 1: 10x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (90) [90 pts]
Troop 2: 3 x Nurglings (45) [45 pts]
FA 1: 7x Screamer of Tzeentch [175 pts]
FORTIFICATION: Skyshield Landing Pad (75) [75 pts]
SECUNDARY DETACHMENT: Hive Fleet Detachment (Tyranids)
HQ 1: Hive tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (30), Electroshock grubs (10) [240 pts]
HQ 2: Hive tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (30), Electroshock grubs (10) [240 pts]
HQ 3: Hive tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (30), Electroshock grubs (10) [240 pts]
Troop 1: 1x Mucolid Spore Cluster (15) [15 pts]
Troop 1: 1x Mucolid Spore Cluster (15) [15 pts]
Troop 1: 1x Mucolid Spore Cluster (15) [15 pts]
PRIMARY TOTAL [1080 pts]
ARMY TOTAL [1845 pts]
Type Of Alliance: Come the Apocalypse
TEAM : Spain
PLAYER 7: Jordi Macià (Dekkers)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Inquisitorial Detachment - Codex: Inquisition - Faction: Inquisition
HQ1: Ordo Malleus Inquisitor (25), Servo Skull (3*3=9) [34]
PRIMARY TOTAL : = [34pts]
SECUNDARY DETACHMENT: Necron Decurion Detachment - Codex: Necrons - Faction: Necrons
CORE DETACHMENT: Reclamation Legion
HQ 1 ‐ Warlord: Catacomb Command Barge (135), War Scythe (20), Nightmare Shroud (35) Gauss Cannon (0) ‐ [190 pts]
Troop 1: 10xNecron Warriors [130]
Troop 2: 10xNecron Warriors [130]
Troop 3: 5xInmortal, gauss[85]
FA 1: 6 xTomb Blades (18x6=108), Shield vanes (2x6=12), , Nebuluscope (2x6=12), Particle Beamer (2x1=2) ‐ [134 pts]
FA 2: 6 xTomb Blades (18x6=108), Shield vanes (2x6=12), , Nebuluscope (2x6=12), Particle Beamer (2x1=2) ‐ [134 pts]
Canoptek Harvest
FA 3: 6xWraiths (6x40=240), [240 pts]
FA 4: 3xCanoptek Scarabs (3x20=60) - [60 pts]
HA 1: Canoptek Spyder (50), ‐ [50 pts]
Canoptek Harvest
FA 3: 6xWraiths (6x40=240), [240 pts]
FA 4: 3xCanoptek Scarabs (3x20=60) - [60 pts]
HA 1: Canoptek Spyder (50), ‐ [50 pts]
Canoptek Harvest
FA 3: 5xWraiths (5x40=200), [200 pts]
FA 4: 3xCanoptek Scarabs (3x20=60) - [60 pts]
HA 1: Canoptek Spyder (50), ‐ [50 pts]
SECONDARY TOTAL : = [1813pts]
ARMY TOTAL : = [1847pts]
Type Of Alliance: Come the Apocalypse
TEAM : Spain
PLAYER 8: David Nebot Benito (Dav_Venneto)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Necrons - Faction: Necrons
HQ1: Lord (50), Warscythe (20) - [70 pts] (Warlord)
Troop 1: 10 Necron Warriors (10x13 = 130) in Transport 1 - [130]
Troop 2: 10 Necron Warriors (10x13 = 130) in Transport 2 - [130]
FA1: Ghost Ark (105) - [105 pts]
FA2: Ghost Ark (105) - [105 pts]
FA3: Ghost Ark (105) - [105 pts]
HS1: Doomsday Ark (170) - [170 pts]
HS2: Doomsday Ark (170) - [170 pts]
Transport 1: Ghost Ark (105) - [105 pts]
Transport 2: Ghost Ark (105) - [105 pts]
FORTIFICATION: Imperial bastion(75) - [75 pts]
ARMY SECUNDARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Seer Council Formation, Faction: Eldars
HQ1: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) - [115 pts]
HQ2: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) - [115 pts]
HQ3: Warlock Conclave - [350 pts]
Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]
Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]
Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]
Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]
Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]
Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]
Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]
Type Of Alliance: Come the Apocalypse
Coach: Ines - Valkyria
Coach: Ines - Valkyria
Como las listas ETC siempre pican mucho la curiosidad podéis ver las listas de todos los países en el foro del Team Spain:
Como dato curioso decir que este año participan 28 países y tenemos 53 ejércitos Eldar (destacamento principal o secundario). Eso significa que solo hay 3 países que no han duplicado el ejército!!
Unas listas muy interesantes, me ha sorprendido bastante no ver spam de armas d en las listas con Eldar, pero supongo que es cuestión de estrategias y el tema de espadas y escudos.
ResponderEliminarEn cualquier caso, mucha suerte a todos!!!
Las armas D son buenas pero con medida, tienen todas corto alcance y valen bastante. La lista de motos es mucho mas adaptativa y amenaza a mucho más rango. La justa combinación da mejores resultados, en nuestro caso muy poca fuerza D pero hay 3 cazas en la lista que tienen un abanico parecido
EliminarUn saludo y gracias!
Dios, son todas infames de la primera a la ultima xD
ResponderEliminarHola Kudrim!
EliminarEstán orientadas en un formato competitivo por eso son un poco extremas, también al ser un torneo por equipos aparecen listas todavía más extremas para buscar unos cruces concretos. De todos modos mira la de los otros países, creo que las nuestras con más bonitas de ver a simple vista!
Sí, ya he estado dando un vistazo y son todas muy "de emparejar al mejor caso". A fin de cuentas es de lo que va este formato, claro esta...
EliminarPero aun asi no deja de llamar la atención lo afiladas y específicas que son.
Creo que sería curioso un formato de torneo por equipo con las listas CAPadas en lugar de con tanta flexibilidad como en el ETC. Probablemente, al no haber tanta difirencia entre listas, sería más fácil de planificar para los jugadores que no podemos destinar tampo tiempo al hobby (flipe con el artículo sobre matrices; la de horas que llevais a las espaldas con esto...)
De todos modos, y gustos aparte, os deseo la mayor de las suertes. Seguro que hacéis un papelón ;-)
EliminarHombre.... libertad, lo que se dice libertad, etc no te da tanta. Sigue pareciendome un sistema malo, con una faqs de risa y con muchas incongruencias en criterio, pero teniendo en cuenta las restricciones a maximo de destacamentos, de ejercitos repetidos y que se emparejan las listas por equipos pudiendo asi anular algunas y sacrificar otras da como resultado un sistema bastante decente. Eso si, fuera del sistema por equipos las reglas etc me parecen un cancer, pero esto es a titulo personal, claro esta.